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Luo Wei: The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Marriage and Fertility Choices: Evidence from China

[Published]: 2021-11-02[Source]: [Browsing]:

Speaker: Luo Wei (Researcher, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of HONG KONG)

Description: This paper comprehensively examines the influence of trade liberalization on women's marriage, spouse quality, and fertility in China using the accession to WTO as a natural experiment. Exploiting regional variation in the exposure to import tariff cuts, we first document that import tariff reduction improved female labor market conditions relative to males. We find that import tariff cut reduces women's marriage rate and delays their first marriage. We also find that import tariff cut changes assortative mating patterns and improves women's spouse quality. Moreover, it also reduces women's number of children. These effects on marital and fertility behaviors are more prominent for high-skilled women relative to the low-skilled.

Time:November 5, 2021 (Friday), 13:00-15:00

Venue: Tencent Meeting(ID:494151100)

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