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Research Methods in Economics and Finance using Stata (CF Baum)

[Published]: 2019-07-08[Source]: [Browsing]:

Session1(approx. 3 hours)

Using Stata programming: somefundamental concepts

• Should youbea Stataprogrammer?

• Overview of the Stataenvironment

• Do-andado-filesinStata

• Producingreproducibleresearchresults

• Workingwith the commandline

• Datatypes

• Time seriesoperators

• Factorvariables

• Debugging andtracing

• Protecting yourdata

• Guidelinesforwritingdo-files

Session2(approx. 3 hours)

Programming Stata do-files

• Workingwith missingvalues

• Recodingdiscreteandcontinuousvariables

• Generate and egenfunctions

• Transformationofstringandnumericvariables

• Local macros andscalars

• Looping commands: forvalues andforeach

• Globalmacros

• Extended macro functions and listfunctions

• Statamatrices

• Prefix commands: by,statsby,rolling

• Combining data sets with append andmerge

• Transformingdatawithreshape

Session3(approx. 1.5 hours)

Programming concepts and toolsin action

• Toolsfor do-fileauthors

• Loopingoverobservations is rarelyappropriate

• Thebyprefixcanoftenreplacealoop

• Repeatedstatementsareusuallynotneeded

• Somesimplecommandsareoftenoverlooked

• Reusingresults:returnandereturncommands

• Tabulating and computing groupstatistics

• Summarizinggroupcharacteristicsoverobservations

• Addingaggregatecharacteristicstomicroobservations

• Computing durations andspells

• Aggregatingtransactionsdata

Session4(approx. 1.5 hours)

Automation with do-fileprogramming

• Statas post and postfilecommands

• Production of summarystatistics

• Production of estimatestables

• Productionofsetsoftablesandgraphs

Session5(approx. 3 hours)

Ado-file programming

• Structure of anado-file

• The syntaxstatement

• Includingasubsetofobservations

• Using programoptions

• Temporaryvariablesandtempnames

• The returnstatement

• A sampleprogram

• A second example of ado-fileprogramming

• A third example of ado-fileprogramming

• Maximumlikelihoodestimation

• Nonlinear least squaresestimation

• Writingan egenfunction

• Programs forgmm

• ado-files for Monte Carlosimulation

• Writingan e-classprogram

Session6(approx. 4 hours)

Introduction to Mata

• Matafundamentals

• Syntax of thelanguage

• DesignofaMatafunction

• Matasinterfacefunctions

• A simple Matafunction

• A multi-variablefunction

• Example of Mataprogramming

• Mata-basedlikelihoodfunctionevaluators

• Creating arrays of temporary objects withpointers

• Matastructures

• A Mata-based estimationroutine

Recommended reading:AnIntroduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, Stata Press, 2006; Chinesetranslation available from Renmin University Press.

AnIntroduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition,Stata Press, 2016.

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