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ZHANG Yifan : Migrants and Firms:Evidence from China

[Published]: 2019-04-11[Source]: [Browsing]:


SpeakerZHANG Yifan (Associate Professor, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hongkong)

DescriptionThispaper estimates the causal effect of rural migration on urban production inChina. Using a panel of Chinese manufacturing firms, we exploit exogenousvariation in rural-urban migration due to agricultural price shocks. We findthat following a migrant inflow, labor costs decline and employment expands.Labor productivity decreases sharply and remains low in the medium run. Aquantitative framework suggests that migration mostly benefits low-productivityfirms within locations. As migrants select into high-productivity destinations,migration however strongly contributes to the equalization of factorproductivity across locations.

TimeApril 192019Friday,9:30-11:00

Venue: Shahe Main TeachingBuilding, room 406

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