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HUANG Wei:Unawareness of Unhealthiness,Information Provision, and Health Insurance Participation among the Elderly

[Published]: 2019-03-25[Source]: [Browsing]:

SpeakerHUANG Wei ( Presidents Assistant Professor Department of Real Estate and Department of Strategy and Policy National University of Singapore)

DescriptionPeople may be unaware oftheir unhealthiness and thus make suboptimal decisions in insuranceparticipation. Using national representative samples of the elderly in US andChina, we find that the unawareness of unhealthiness is significantlyassociated with lower socio-economic status, poorer health, and less insuranceparticipation. We further find that accurate health information providedthrough physical examinations induces relatively higher participationafterwards suggesting information as an important mechanism. These findingscontribute a new explanation for the insufficient participation among poorpeople and advantageous selection in health insurance.

Time: March 29, 2019Friday, 1600-1730

Venue: Shahe Main Teaching Building, room 401


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