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Junjian Yi: Information Provision and Streamlined Medical Service: Evidence from a MobileAppointment App

[Published]: 2019-02-26[Source]: [Browsing]:


   SpeakerJunjian YiAssistant Professor , Department of Economics, National University of Singapore

   DescriptionWeexamine the launch of a mobile outpatient appointment app in China to study theeffect of information provision and a streamlined appointment process onhospital operations and the alignment of healthcare supply and demand. Using alongitudinal dataset on hospital operations and a difference-in-differencesmodel, we document that the app increases completed hospital consultations by9.5%, through boosting registrations by 4.8% and reducing appointmentcancellations by 3.4%. The app improves queuing efficiency in overcrowded hospitalsand draws demand for underutilized ones. Supported by additional evidence froma subset of patients’ electronic medical records, we also find that the appdirects patients to the hospital and department more suitable to their medicalconditions and to less busy days, resulting in a better match between patientdemand and hospital service.

  Time: March 5, 2019Tuesday, 1530-1700  

  Venue: Shahe No. 1 Building, room 102


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