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Zheng Jie : Lying for Efficiency or Fairness?

[Published]: 2018-12-11[Source]: [Browsing]:

SpeakerJie Zheng (Tsinghua University)

Description:A relationship between lying behavior and social preferences has often been proposed in explaining patterns of lying aversion (ex. Erat and Gneezy, 2011; Houser, Vetter and Winter, 2012; Maggian and Villeval, 2015). In a series of experiments, we elicit preferences over fairness and efficiency in allocation scenarios between self and other, as well as between others. We then assess subjects’ lying tendencies in the analogous scenarios using a novel multinomial version of a ‘mind cheating game’ (Garbarino, Slonim and Villeval, 2017), which allows different degrees of lying and is independent of social image and reputation concerns. Our study allows us to observe how individual preferences over fairness and efficiency are associated with the willingness to lie for one’s self and others. Selfish and spiteful lies are prevalent among those with strong spiteful preferences in the allocation task, while those subjects with efficiency oriented preferences tell efficient lies on behalf of others. However, lying on behalf of fairness concerns among those with strong preference for fairness is less apparent in the data. The empirical patterns suggest that individuals with strong efficiency preference may be more likely to lie for fairness concerns, while those with strong fairness preferences may be more likely to lie out of self-interest.


Venue:main teaching building building1305

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