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Lu Feng : The Reverse MatthewEffect: Consequences of Retraction inScientific Teams

[Published]: 2018-11-16[Source]: [Browsing]:

SpeakerLu Feng(associate professorof Purdue University)

DescriptionTeamwork pervadesmodernproduction, yet teamwork can make individual roles difficult toascertain. The“Matthew Effect” suggests that communities reward eminent teammembers forgreat outcomes at the expense of less eminent team members. We studythisphenomenon in reverse, investigating credit-sharing after damaging events.Ourcontext is article retractions in the sciences. We find that retractionsimposelittle citation penalty on the prior work of eminent coauthors, butlesseminent coauthors experience substantial citation declines, especiallywhenteamed with eminent authors. These findings suggest a “Reverse MatthewEffect”for team-produced negative events. A Bayesian model provides acandidateinterpretation.


Venue:main teaching building building 401,Shahe Campus

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