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张 舰





"Gender Discrimination in China: Experimental Evidence from the Job Market for College Graduates" (With Songqing Jin, Tao Li and Haigang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(3), 2021, 819-835 链接

"Incentivizing Teachers? Evaluating the Incentive Role of China’s Teacher Performance-based Compensation Reform in Rural China" (With Songqing Jin and Wei Si), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64(1), 2020, 171-188 链接

"The 21st Century Agribusiness in China: E-commerce, Consumer Preference, and Competition" (With Yuqing Zheng and Songqing Jin), Editorial, Agribusiness: an International Journal, 35(1), 2019, 3-5 链接

"Teachers and Urban-rural Gaps in Educational Outcomes" (with Songqing Jin, Maximo Torero and Tao Li), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(4), 2018, 1207-1223 链接

"Sex and Economics: the Paradox of Student Gender in China" (with Fangbin Qiao and Binbin Li), Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(1), 2016, 92-110 链接

"Childcare, Eldercare, Gender and Migration in Rural China" (with Fangbin qiao, L. Zhang, S. Rozelle and Yi Yao), China and World Economy, 23(2), 2015, 100-120 链接

"The Investment Climate and Enterprise Performance in Rural Pakistan: Implications for Rural Non-farm Employment Generation and Poverty Reduction" (With Mona Sur and Kevin Chen), Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19(3), 2014, 488-505 链接

"Does it pay to be a cadre? The Returns to Being a Local Official in Rural China" (with John Giles and Scott Rozelle), Journal of Comparative Economics, 4(3), 2012, 337-356 链接 

"Regulation of Local Governments and Enterprise Formation in Rural China" (with S. Mohapatra, S. Boucher and S. Rozelle), Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 7(3), 2009, 321-339 链接

"Self-Employment with Chinese Characteristics:the Forgotten Engine of Rural China’s Growth" (with L. Zhang, S. Rozelle and S. Boucher), Contemporary Economic Policy, 24(3), 2006, 446-458 链接

"Self-employment, Entrepreneurship and Growth in Rural China", in China's Agricultural & Rural Development in the Early 21st Century (with L. Zhang and S. Rozelle). 239-268, Sonntag, Bernard H. et al. eds. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia, 2005 链接




张舰、于爱芝、于文豪、田光华,2020,“我国农民专业合作社偏离了合作社本质特吗? —对甘肃省某地农民专业合作社调研的思考”,《中国合作经济评论》第1辑


张舰、Scott Rozelle,2017,“人们为什么会创业?基于风险、企业家能力与金融约束的影响因素研究”,《yd77699云顶国际学报》第8期

张舰、Avraham Ebenstein、Margaret McMillan、陈志刚,2017,“农村劳动力转移、化肥过度使用与环境污染”,《经济社会体制比较》第3期



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