讲座主题:Disclosure, Competition, andLearning from Asset Prices
研究领域为金融市场、资产定价和行为金融。担任多个经济学、金融学、管理学顶级期刊杂志副主编,包括:Journal of Economic Theory,Journal ofFinance,Journal of Financial Markets,Management Science。他的学术成果发表在顶级国际学术期刊,如Journalof Economic Theory, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Finance和Review of Financial Studies等。
因其卓越的研究荣获诸多奖项,如2016年度JFQA William F. Sharpe Award、2016年加拿大银行州长奖、2015年RogerMartin奖等。
内容摘要:This paper studiesinformation sharing in a duopoly product market in which firms learninformation from asset prices. By disclosing information, a firm incurs aproprietary cost of losing competitive advantage to its rival firm but benefitsfrom learning from a more informative asset market. Learning from asset pricescan dramatically change firms’disclosure behaviors: without learning fromprices, firms do not disclose at all; but with learning from prices, firms canfully disclose their information. Firms’disclosure decisions can exhibitstrategic complementarity, which leads to both a disclosure equilibrium and anondisclosure equilibrium.