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何其春:Inflation and Growth: The Role of Central Bank Independence

作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2016-09-13

讲座题目:Inflation and Growth: The Role of Central Bank Independence
主讲人:何其春 yd77699云顶国际中国经济与管理研究院副教授
讲座时间:2016年9月28日 10:00-11:30


This paper reexamines the relationship between inflation and growth. We find strong evidence of a positive interaction effect between inflation and central bank independence in promoting economic growth, using data on OECD countries. We develop a model where the share of the seigniorage revenue from inflation used in non-productive government consumption (the grabbing hand) is decreased by a higher degree of central bank independence. A larger amount of seigniorage revenue grabbed by the government would hire away more labor from entrepreneurs, decreasing growth. The higher the degree of central bank independence is, the lower the share of the seigniorage revenue that would be kept by the government. As a result, more labor would be employed in R&D, which would increase growth. Therefore, the marginal effect of inflation on growth depends positively on the degree of central bank independence.


版权所有:yd77699云顶国际经济学院 学院南路校区地址:北京市海淀区学院南路39号 邮编:100081 沙河校区地址:北京市昌平区沙河高教园区 邮编:102206

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